Please join us in our efforts to provide shelter and supportive services to homeless and nearly homeless children and adults.
No donation is too small and all donations are tax-deductible. Safe Harbour is a 501 (c) 3 organization.
Donations can be made in person or by mail. Receipts for donations will be sent to you via mail.
Mail donations to Safe Harbour, 102 W. High St. Carlisle, PA 17013-2972
Donations may also be securely made online via PAYPAL using your credit card. You do not need a PayPal account to make a donation! PayPal will email you a donation receipt. Simply click below and go directly to our PayPal page.
Donations from the community are welcome and appreciated.
If your organization or group is interested in holding a donation drive for Safe Harbour, before you start contact Barrie Ann George, Vice President of Development and Communications. She is happy to provide you with Safe Harbour logos and information as well as the most current needs of our residents. You can also confirm the best day/time to drop off your donations. Due to our limited storage space, we try to stagger the intake of significant donations to give us time to organize and distribute them to our residents. Thank you for your cooperation!
**We currently do NOT accept toys, stuffed animals or clothing donations, we encourage you to donate clothing to Community Aid**.
Donations may be dropped off by appointment only.
Simply call 717-249-2200, Monday through Friday between 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., to set a time to deliver your donation to our location at 102 West High Street, Carlisle.
Our immediate needs include:
Personal Care Items (Full Size Products, Please)
*Hairspray & haircare products (dry shampoo, hairspray, etc.)
Body Wash
Shampoo & Conditioner
Deodorant/Anti-Perspirant for Men and Women
*Mouthwash (no alcohol)
Bath Towels & Bath Sheets
*Twin comforters/blankets
Canned Tuna
Canned Chicken
Microwave meals
Granola bars
Canned fruit
Cleaning Products
*Hand Soap
Swiffer Pads (wet & dry)
Laundry Detergent
Dryer Sheets
Household items:
Twin Mattresses
Plastic containers for leftovers (microwaveable)
Accessories for Men, Women, & Children:
*Denotes Urgent Need
Visit our Amazon Wishlist for an easy way to donate our most needed items.
Current Safe Harbour Bin Locations: