
Ed Bidelspach to Receive Safe Harbour

Ed Bidelspach, Assistant Vice President at F&M Trust and Cumberland County community leader, has been selected to receive Safe Harbour’s 2017 Leadership Through Service Award.  The award will be presented to Bidelspach during Safe Harbour’s “Night Without A Tux” fundraising gala on Saturday, Feb. 18.

The Leadership Through Service Award was established by Safe Harbour’s Board of Directors to recognize outstanding and dynamic leadership through service to the citizens and the communities of Cumberland County.  The award is presented to individuals or organizations that exhibit excellence in leadership that, by example and effort, provides programs, funding and services to support initiatives and organizations that work to improve the lives of Cumberland County residents in need of assistance.

Bidelspach previously served six years on Safe Harbour’s Board of Directors, including two years as Chair of the Board.  During his tenure, he was responsible for advocating Safe Harbour’s mission to the community.  Additionally, he assisted Safe Harbour in receiving more than $75,000 in community donations from individuals, organizations and businesses.


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